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What Is the Role of the Intake Manifold In an Engine?



In any engine, the intake system is of paramount importance as it deals with the engine performance including power and torque. It’s important for the combustion chambers to produce equal pressure to ensure the smooth operation of the engine cylinder. You can achieve this purpose if you send the same level of charge to the cylinders. Apart from this, the physical properties, quality, and the charge air-fuel ratio must be the same. Read on to find out more.


The role of the carburetor is to feed the air-fuel mixture to the combustion chamber. The intake manifold sends an equal amount of air-fuel mixture to each cylinder. The valve timing has to be correct at the same time.

Every piston must compress the charge based on the compression ratio. If the ignition timing is correct, it will make sure the spark happens on time. In reality, since the intake manifold features different temperatures, flow rates, contours, angles and passage sizes, the charge may not be the same for all cylinders. You can experience the engine performance difference at low speeds.

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Usually, the intake manifold comprises aluminum or cast iron tube. Toda’s manifolds may be chrome-plated or powder-coated. Also, the carburetor is mounted in the center of the intake manifold. It’s designed in a way that the air-fuel mixture can go into the engine cylinders without any problem. The carburetor is fixed on the inlet manifold, which is fixed on the block based on the design.

Today’s intake manifolds help vaporize the gasoline in the air-fuel mixture. Also, the engine cooling system and outgoing exhaust gases are responsible for providing heat. Apart from this, the thermostat valves control the amount of heat.

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The Layout of the System

Single Pipe:

Single passage intake manifold features a single pipe that makes a connection between the engine cylinders and the carburetor. But a double flange manifold features a pair of separate pipes for the cylinders. Therefore, if you have a four-cylinder engine, there will be four passages that merge into a single pipe that goes to the carburetor.

Duel Pipe:

Typically, duel intake manifolds have two pipes and two carburetors, and each pipe feeds 50% of what the engine needs. The idea is to prevent the stroke from overlapping in the manifold. So, it may help improve the uniformity of the air-fuel mixture distribution.


Also, some modern vehicle engines come with a four-pipe design. If there is an intake manifold with a four-pipe design, the first and second outlets go to cylinders at a certain order, which is 2, 3, 5, and 8. On the other hand, the other pipes go to cylinders at an order of 1, 4, 6, and 7.

Long story short, this was a brief introduction to the role of intake manifold in a vehicle engine. If you want to know more about it, you can do your homework and you will have a much better understanding of the entire engine system.



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