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It Ends with Us: A Stunning Novel Full Of Feelings



it ends with us

To say that Colleen Hoover is an accomplished writer would be an understatement. It ends with Us, her latest novel, has been on the New York Times Best Sellers list since its publication in 2016. And it has won multiple awards and been an option for a film adaptation by Paramount Pictures. You have yet had the chance to read this novel about one couple’s complicated. And emotional relationship, here are eight reasons why you should add it to your reading list today.

It all ends with us about

Colleen Hoover has made a name for herself by writing stories that appeal to people from all walks of life. She always manages to write about complicated situations that tug at your heartstrings. It’s hard not to find yourself rooting for her characters, even if you disagree with what they’re doing. But If I Stay different, it showed you exactly why a particular character was making their choice. The ending wasn’t tragic or melancholy—it felt like an answer, albeit an open-ended one.

Perhaps that’s why Hoover waited four years before she finally revisited Adam and Mia in her next novel, It Ends With Us. It would be difficult to handle a relationship between two teenagers; trying to control one between two young adults is another matter entirely. But Hoover proves once again that. She knows how to write emotion and anyone currently working in fiction today. When you think it ends with us couldn’t get any better, it does—and we love her for that.

Look at the author

the end of us book author

Colleen Hoover wrote the novel known for her New York Times bestselling novel Slammed. Her other books include Hopeless, Losing Hope, Finding Cinderella, and Confess. Hoover has published seven novels so far under Atria Books. In 2016 she became a Barnes & Noble author after releasing it ends with us book. Her writing style tends to be more realistic than romance, which is different from most romance novels today. She gives people an inside look at what it takes to write a successful book.. Or movie and how much effort goes into marketing them.

Two Perspectives

There are two perspectives at play in ITWEU. The first is Abby, who tells her story from past to present. The second is Luke, whose philosophy starts today and works its way backward through time. Hoover does a masterful job of weaving these two narratives together. There are some crossovers between them, some vignettes tell through both lenses. And when you get to Abby’s wedding day, you’ll understand what I mean. You’ll be shocked by how they intertwine. When everything comes together, it’s powerful—emotionally and intellectually—and unexpected but fitting at once.

No Cliffhanger

It Ends With Us, Colleen Hoover’s new book, was released on August 2nd. There’s one problem: it’s not out until Tuesday. I don’t know how people survive without instant gratification. But we have decided to give you a little taste of what you can expect for those of us who do know how to survive. If you haven’t read (or heard about) Colleen Hoover yet, check out her other books and prepare yourself for an emotional roller coaster! The story follows Lily as she meets Ryle, they fall in love quickly. But things take a turn when she finds out that he is involved in an abusive relationship. She can get him away from his girlfriend. Ryle can fight off all of his demons, or will he crumble under pressure.

Short Book Summary

it all ends with us

A short description of your topic It does not have to it ends with us summary in its entirety; instead, it can simply give readers a glance at what they’re getting into and help. Them decide whether or not they’d like to read further. For example, Suppose I wrote a post about Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper. In that case, I might write: The story follows Anna Fitzgerald as she files. A lawsuit against her parents for medical emancipation after her blood. Used in her sister Kate’s bone marrow transplant. Anna argues that Kate’s cancer was cause by pre-natal chemotherapy. If she hadn’t donated her blood, it would have been possible for Anna to receive non-contaminated chemotherapy herself.

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Personal Connection

it ends with us book

I have never read a book of Colleen Hoover. Not that she isn’t an author I haven’t heard of, but because I was reading so many books at one time. And I never got around to picking up one of her novels. That changed on August 2nd when I started reading her new novel called it ends with us genre (no, it has nothing to do with Twilight). As I began reading, I thought there was no way a romance novel would hold my attention for more than 15 minutes. Boy, was I wrong! This book grabbed me right from page 1.

And I wouldn’t let go until finished. The story is based on actual events (Hoover’s mother dated a man with serious issues). Which makes it all too real—as if you are living through each moment. With her character as they deal with significant trauma in their lives. Perhaps just a break from reality – then grab your Kindle or your favorite eReader. Get ready to fall in love with It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover.

 A Heartbreaking Journey

ends with us

Though it ends with us a novel is an emotionally-wrenching story about a romance gone wrong. There are many reasons why it’s worth reading. If you’re on the fence about Colleen Hoover or if you loved her last novel. Ugly Love, and have been searching for something new from her to read. Here are ten good reasons why you should pick up a copy of her latest book. You won’t regret it! 1. The first-person narration will hook you: Our narrator is Tate Collins. Who is drawn into a relationship with another character named Adam Wright. Tate’s thoughts pull us in and compel us to keep reading to know what happens next from their first interactions onward.

A Beautiful Book Cover

it ends with us book summary

Overall, I think It Ends With Us is worth reading just for its fantastic cover. The first thing that drew me in was how pretty it looked. Not only is it a bright, appealing shade of red. But it’s different from a lot of other books that I’ve seen on Amazon. The title and font stand out and make it clear what type of book you’re getting into right off the bat. (I also appreciate how clean everything looks.) In short: be aware if you’re looking for a romance novel about a cute boy and girl who fall in love under unusual circumstances; You’ll probably be disappointed.

Realistic Characters

If there’s one thing you can’t say about Colleen Hoover, it’s that she lacks complex characters. Her latest novel it ends with us book buy is no exception. If anything, her depiction of Lily and her family is even more complicated than in previous books. Readers get a small glimpse into Lily’s background through flashbacks scattered throughout. In these brief scenes, we learn about both Lily and her brother (who appears briefly in present-day scenes). This lets us see how life for these two was so different before their parents divorced. And it also gives us a look at what happened between them after they left home for college.

Throughout much of It Ends With Us, readers have mixed feelings toward Lily’s character. However, by the book’s end, we understand why she acts and thinks as she does. Hoover doesn’t just show us her main character from an outside perspective; instead, she does something extraordinary: She allows readers to step inside Lily’s mind. From start to finish, events unfold from Lily’s perspective only; thus, readers feel every emotion right along with her.

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