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Hisoka: The hidden secrets that you shouldn’t know




Hisoka Morrow may be weird and guilty of numerous misdoings, yet he maintains a few of the Hunter x Hunter show’s most beloved characters. Several individuals do not consider him to be the adversary that he has been portrayed as. Because of his adamant drive to defend Gon (for whatever reason), he is viewed as an anti-hero. Togashi Yoshihiro’s manga has consistently implied that Hisoka hxh is a nasty and psychopathic killer. Despite this, the guy feels no remorse for his actions and embraces himself as he is. Several admirers of hxh Hisoka may be ignorant of a few facts regarding him. These would be the details that we will present today.

Hunter x Hunter Hisoka isn’t the type of anime character we’re used to seeing. He is merciless, unafraid of dignity, a liar, and a deceptive being. Therefore, what creates him such an intriguing character? It’s the combination of his fancifully penned persona and his atmosphere of mystery. The boundaries of right and wrong never constrain him. Concerning justice in things is the last thing on his mind.

Instead, he is looking for his goals. Hisoka would do what he wanted, love what he wanted, protect what he wanted, and eventually kill if he wanted to. Hisoka full-body looks at things from both an antagonist and a protagonist’s point of view. Hisoka’s hair is turquoise in his initial presentation in the 1999 anime series. It was updated with a red or nearly bright pink color whenever the show was revamped to match the manga. Hisoka possesses red hair and soft golden eyes in the 2011 anime. Hisoka colors his hair light green throughout the Yorknew City arc in the manga. His character’s depth is reflected in these dramatic changes in look.

Things to know about Hisoka:

Hisoka is depicted as entirely self-serving, self-absorbed, and self-centered; he does anything he wants as long as it benefits him in some manner. His supposedly fetishistic impulses are fueled by his unquenchable urge to shed the blood of solid warriors in battle and his pleasure of immense suffering when doing so. Hisoka permits the central characters to live in circumstances where he may easily have killed them in terms of reaching their unlimited capacity (and hence increase the pleasure of murdering them afterward).

Similarly, he becomes enthralled by the prospect of meeting new people he believes are deserving of fighting or who can be solid fighters and delight him in the latter. He finds the excitement of confronting experienced Nen users in strategic combat and near-death encounters euphoric. It’s probably one of the causes he went to such lengths to acquire new toys to play about. If they shatter, he either gets bored in them or destroys them before seeking new victims.

Hisoka Morrow is a well-known Hunter with exceptional combat abilities. He adores confronting formidable foes, making harsh jokes, and dressing in queer clothing, in addition to possessing homicidal inclinations. You might confuse him for a comedian at first sight. However, this persona is more like a masked vigilante who commits violent deeds. If you want to understand more regarding Hisoka Morrow, this page will provide additional information.

hisoka hxh

His exam score has a symbolic meaning:

The exam number for Hisoka Morrow is 44. Since it is sounded similar to the word “death,” the number “4” is associated with demise in Japanese culture. As a result, you didn’t notice Room No 4 in several Japanese structures.

He does have several flaws:

Hisoka, as with most personalities, has his flaws. Any competent fighter may defeat him because he acts like something of a fool. He’s also arrogant, unstable, and unconcerned about his protection on the battleground. His Nen powers, on the other hand, can deplete his energy and kill him.

He is among the most powerful characters in the story:

Hisoka is a formidable opponent, even when costumed as a pretender. Hisoka was rated third in the Phantom Troupe ever since he first joined. It doesn’t, however, stop with brute ability. Hisoka Morrow has been one of the story’s fiercest characters. He has withstood discomfort numerous times without displaying any signs of distress. He might still maneuver around together, his arms cut off in another instance.

Hisoka is a little creepy and weird character:

In addition to possessing a sharp sense of humor, Hisoka is a deviant. If you’re a fan of the Hunter x Hunter series, there are multiple explanations why he’s from a few of the series’ most vile characters. He starts by gazing at the children’s bodies, which makes them feel uneasy. Which has also placed his hands into people’s garments without their permission. He also invited a teenager to a dinner in the manga. Hisoka is portrayed as a violent figure as a result of such actions. However, other fans think that the Hisoka is behaving in this way purely for amusement.

hunter x hunter hisoka

Hisoka, Pariston Hill, and Ryu are all voiced by a particular actor:

How many of you have pondered if Ryu, Pariston Hill, and Hisoka hxh from Street Fighter had anything in common? Hiroki Takashi, who voiced multiple roles, was the identical performer. Hiroki Taashi contributed to Hisoka’s vocals in 1999. He has become the voice artist for Hunter x Hunter’s Pariston Hill a few years later. He, however, has portrayed Ryu in the Street Fighter series over the years. Hiro Takashi is no stranger to the world of anime. His art has appeared in series such as Pokemon, Beyblade, and Transformers.

His Bungee Gum is one of his most valuable tools:

Through the Bungee Gum, Hiskao can accomplish a lot of things. To begin, he can utilize the gum to capture enemies and assault them. He can also protect himself with this gear against various weapons. Bungee gum offers therapeutic qualities in addition to its combat abilities. The gooey material can prevent internal bleeding and restore any harm if administered to gaping sores. Hisako utilized the Bungee Gum to revive himself from the grave in the Heaven Arena storyline.

He returned from the death:

Hisoka died of his wounds after dropping a battle royale to Chrollo. He was managed to resurrect, though, by wrapping his innards in Bungee gum. Following a short time, he decided to seek out the Phantom Troupe and seek vengeance for his demise. There are numerous theories regarding what happened. Some fans believe that his grit, not his gum, took him back to life. Another argument claims that because he perished of hypoxia, regaining awareness would be simple.

His abilities are named after his favorite candy:

Hisoka isn’t just into bloodlust. He seems to have an unhealthy obsession with various varieties of confectionery. He called his Nen powers after bubble gum as well as another delicious, after all. Hisoka’s fondness for sugary foods, on the other hand, did not develop suddenly. He alleged that he chewed gum over hours as a kid since his parents couldn’t always buy it. We don’t know if Hisako is speaking the truth because he is a serial liar.

hisoka hunter x hunter

Hisoka was born under the zodiac sign of Gemini:

Even though nothing is documented regarding his background, we reasonably understand his zodiac sign. Also, on the 6th of June, Hisako was delivered. With this in view, Hisako is among the Hunter x Hunter series’ Gemini protagonists. Hisoka’s age is evaluate to be around 28 years old. Compared to figures like Biscuit Kreuger and Isaac Netero, he is among the franchise’s younger characters.

He puts on a trendy set of clothes:

Throughout many years, the majority of anime/manga protagonists have almost the same look. They don’t change their outfits or their hairstyles, after all. Hisoka, on the other hand, takes his eyes very gravely. He occasionally uses the same expression. Which might be, for example, change his wardrobe and let his hair be styled. He could wear rings and a change in color of cosmetics at another time. For these qualities, one could call him, including some of the show’s most trendy characters.


Hisoka Morrow may be weird and guilty of numerous misdoings, yet he maintains a few of the Hunter x Hunter show’s most beloved characters. Hisoka isn’t the type of anime character we’re use to seeing. He is merciless, unafraid of dignity, a liar, and a deceptive being. Hisoka Morrow is a well-known Hunter with exceptional combat abilities. He adores confronting formidable foes, making harsh jokes, and dressing in queer clothing. Since it seems similar to the word “death,” the number “4” is alike to demise in Japanese culture.

Hisoka Morrow has been one of the story’s fiercest characters. He is arrogant, unstable, and unconcerned about his protection. His Nen powers, on the other hand, can deplete his energy and kill him. The Hisoka is depict as a violent figure as a result of this. Hiroki Takashi voiced Pariston Hill and Hisoka hxh in the Street Fighter series. Voice artist Hiroki Takashi has also portrayed Ryu in the series. Hisako utilized the Bungee Gum to revive himself from the grave. Some believe that it was his grit, not his gum, which took him back to life. On the 6th of June, Hisako was deliver.

hxh hisoka

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