The Abandoned Generation by Marketers?
Marketers need to segment acquisition lists in order to target the best possible prospects they can for their products or services. Many believe that the way to go is to market to Gen X and Gen Y as they are a tech savvy demographic. Okay the Baby Boomers may not be buying all of the fads that come and go but they still represent a large percentage of total sales in America and most of the western world.
The “Baby Boomer” generation were born anywhere between the years of 1943 to 1960, depending on who you talk to. There are varying opinions as to which time period defines who falls in the category of a “Baby Boomer”. Yes they are aging but they are close to 80 million strong in the US and according to Nielsen
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they are set to control 70% of the disposable income in the US and are willing to spend hard earned dollars on products and services. This affluent group of consumers that spend 2.3 trillion dollars annually are no longer burning flags or incense and this generation has the highest rate of entrepreneurship in America They have adapted well to modern times by purchasing cellphones, laptops, televisions online and have adopted being on social networks such as Pinterest, Facebook, E Harmony. This demographic are prolific online shoppers and represent one third of all online and social media users. The boomers grew up in the era of modern marketing where branding of products was made possible through television, catalogues and direct mail.
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Boomers are a generation that want to stay forever young and are willing to pay top dollar for that miracle cream that rids them of wrinkles or liver spots, the diet pill that will give them astonishing results to lose that middle age spread, fitness products, treatments that can alter their looks. They want that luxury car they always dreamed of having now that the kids have moved out, that Harley to ride with the wind, upgrading their skills through education, buying a condo, travelling to enrich their own lives by seeing and experiencing the rich cultures of the world. They will buy products that will assist them with their problems of aging such adult diapers, hearing and vision assistance products, arthritis products, health supplements, dentures.