Witch Hunt (1994) directed Paul Schrader. A sequel to Cast a Deadly Spell in which detective, H. Phillip Lovecraft played by Dennis Hopper combats the evils...
So here we go, the best 10 movies about ‘magic’ of ‘all time’. That’s a tall order and will of course become a list that will...
This is a plea from all the men out there to their loving wife or girlfriend to please let us compromise on the best romance movies...
Movie action figures are easier to find than any other types of adult toy that most people consider for their collection. Collecting these items is actually...
Technology-enabled solutions are intangible sales. People don’t buy the machine; they buy what it enables. Average sales people tend to perceive technology as a tangible, so...
3D technology can be traced all the way back to the beginning of photography. In 1844 David Brewster invented the Stereoscope. It was a new invention...
Dynamic markets create opportunity Markets create energy because they are dynamic. They are constantly evolving in response to changes in the economic, political and technological environments....
Tennessee Technology Centre at Nashville is one of the 26 technology centers established in the year 1963. The technology center excels in offering technical training programs...
The field of education is constantly changing and growing with technology. In this digital era, children grow up with computers from the time they are very...
In 1776, Scottish economist and philosopher, Adam Smith wrote the masterpiece, ‘The Wealth of Nations’- actually ‘An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth...
Reminiscing about the good old days when we were growing up is a memory trip well worth taking, when trying to understand the issues facing the...
Waste is indeed one of the growing problems in the country, has been one of the major cause of dilemmas and tragedies both in the past...