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Want A Portable Career? A Career In Your Suitcase (Book Review)



Once upon a time, getting a job was the ultimate goal. Along came Generation X and the goal posts shifted: esteemed jobs needed to be international — and well-remunerated to boot.

Now, thanks to Generation Y and 4 hour work week advocates like Timothy Ferriss, the playing field has changed again: why wait for a job offer when you can create your own international career and work your own hours — anywhere, anytime?

Jo Parfitt is at the forefront of the portable career movement — writing and speaking about it for years before Timothy Ferriss came on the scene. Jo is a portable career expert who has been practising what she preaches while riding the expat rollercoaster in Dubai, Oman, Norway, England and The Netherlands for more than 20 years.

Much to the delight of those who loved the first and second editions, the third edition of this definitive portable career bible, A Career In Your Suitcase, has just been released and it is better than ever. It is jam-packed with tools to help you self-assess your passion, drive, skills and goals, plus real-life quotes from men and women living the portable career dream abroad.

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There is also a great chapter entitled 60 Brilliant Ideas — all of which Jo attests have worked for either herself or people that she knows. These ideas will surely get you started and include: looking after holiday homes off-season; teaching people to do the things that you find easy; exporting local goods; importing goods from home; selling your artistic creations, or teaming up with someone artistic and marketing theirs; writing travel articles; and/or becoming a freelance photographer — the list goes on.

Whatever your generation, if you have ever dreamed of creating a career that allows you to follow your passion and/or follow your partner, at home or abroad, A Career In Your Suitcase is for you. With its comprehensive advice, real-life stories, ideas, checklists and hands-on exercises, this book is not only a wonderful read, but it could just be the catalyst that you have been looking for to positively change your life forever.

Copyright belongs to Andrea Martins.

Reprints welcomed.

First published by The Telegraph (UK) online on 14 May 2008.

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Andrea Martins is the Director and Co-Founder of — a global resource site full of inspiring features to help all women living outside of their home country. Visit today as your first-stop website to get inspired, share stories, network globally, develop personally and find the best resources.

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